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Water and Sewer Commission Minutes 2008/03/27

Board of Commissioners Meeting
March 27, 2008
Sunapee Town Offices

PRESENT: Tracy Nangeroni-Chairperson, Charles Smith, Theodore Gallup, Paul Manson, Christopher Leonard, Kurt Markarian.
ABSENT: Aaron Simpson.
Also present: Holly Leonard, David Bailey, David Little.

The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 5:31 p.m.

Granliden:  David L. reported that there are still some changes to the Granliden pump house that need to be completed before the municipal water starts being used at Granliden. He reported that not much work has gone on over the winter and that there is about a week worth of work left to complete the project. David L. stated that Granliden hopes the job will be completed by mid April. David L. mentioned the warrant article that was approved by the town and questioned what happens with the funds that the town voted to pay. There was some discussion regarding how to deal with the funding issue and what can be done to reimburse Granliden. Charles S. questioned the turning over of the water line to the water department and how this can be done when the project is bonded. David L. gave an explanation of how the bond will still be Granliden’s responsibility to pay.
David B. stated that he thinks he may need to use Granliden’s pump house as a testing site for HAA5’s. David L. stated that this would not be a problem. There was some discussion regarding HAA5’s and different flows in various areas of the lake.

The table introduced themselves to everyone.

Forms for Signing:
February 28, 2008 Meeting Minutes:  Theodore G. made a motion to accept the minutes as presented, seconded by Charles S., there was some discussion regarding Stantec attending a meeting and the possibility of inspecting the intake pipe. Charles S. questioned if the pontoon had been purchased, Dave B. reported that it has been received but is not installed yet, voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
February 2008 Sewer Purchase Journal: Charles S. made a motion to accept the sewer purchase journal as presented, there was no second. Holly L. reported some changes to the accounts that various purchases were posted to, there was some discussion regarding sludge handling and a new water pump that was purchased for the treatment plant. Theodore G. made a motion to accept the purchase journal as amended, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
February 2008 Water Purchase Journal:  Holly L. reported 2 changes on the water purchase journal. Charles S. made a motion to accept the purchase journal as amended, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.

Election of Officers:  Charles S. nominated himself for the position of Chairperson and gave reasons why he would make a good Chair. Theodore G. stated that he would keep Tracy N. as Chair. Chris L. stated that as a new member he would  ask Tracy N. to keep the position of Chairperson. Voted 1 in favor of Charles S., 5 in favor of Tracy N. for Chairperson, voted in the majority for Tracy N. as Chairperson.
Theodore G. would nominate Aaron S. for vice-chair, Charles S. feels that a candidate should be present to decline the position if they wish. The Commission tabled the election of Vice-Chairperson until a full Commission is present.

Wastewater Treatment Highlights:  Dave B. reported that there has been a lot of work accomplished at the Wastewater Treatment Plant with the rearranging of the laboratory to a different area in the building. Dave B. stated that this has created a space that is more conducive to getting the workflow accomplished, and has helped to improve morale.
Dave B. reported that they are in the process of changing aerators around and fixing the pontoon. The old pontoon will be utilized for parts on other motors.
Dave B. reported that there was an issue with the readings from the town-line EOS system and that he is going to have a representative from EOS come to the plant and explain the system and how it works. Chris L. questioned where Dave B. gets his numbers for reporting from. Dave B. stated that he uses the numbers read off of the meter for reporting purposes, but that the numbers from the EOS system are utilized for the billing between New London and Sunapee. There was some discussion regarding flows and the possibility of getting a meter to place in the un-metered channel, which is used to alleviate problems with high flows. Paul M. would like to be present when the EOS representative is at the plant.
There was some discussion regarding the bridge and water on the road near Indian Cave.
Dave B. told the Commission that Bob Urban has been doing some more jar testing and that utilizing magnesium hydroxide may be a better means of controlling issues with alkalinity and ammonia at the plant than using lime. Dave B. stated that the magnesium hydroxide would be more expensive but is not sure yet of the exact cost. There was some discussion regarding the problems with adding lime and how it settles out of solution.
Dave B. reported that he had Stearns Septic come out and jet some sewer lines to alleviate a problem at the town offices and at White Shutters to ensure that there is no grease build up there that could be a source of the odors.
Dave B. stated that there is an issue on River Road and that he feels it is most likely caused by water following the sewer line and finding it’s way out in the road. Dave B. had Henry C. listen to see if it could be a water leak twice but Henry C. did not feel that it is a water leak. There was some discussion regarding responsibility for road and runoff issues.
Dave B. mentioned the letter of compliance that was sent regarding the violations.
There was some discussion regarding other DES letters to the Commission.
Water Treatment Highlights:  
Dave B. stated that the repeater antennae is up and that it does make some humming sound.
There was some discussion regarding the antennae and if there may be any complaints.
Dave B. has a filter ready to be cleaned and will be doing so in the next week, and he just did
a tour of the plants with a class from Colby Sawyer College.
Dave B. reported that the new truck has been purchased and that the old one was only worth
$500 as a trade-in.
Meter reading is completed and around 80% of the meters in town were read. There were
many meters that were unreadable due to snow coverage.
Dave B. reported that Lake Avenue will be ground and that he just found out that Tony B.
Had decided to grind from Clearwater all the way to Birch Point instead of just to
Smileyville, and that this will mean he will need to purchase more supplies for raising
manholes. There was some discussion regarding borrowing the steel plates from another
town, Dave B. will look into this option.
Dave B. reported that there would be another violation on the HAA5’s for the first quarter of
2008. There was some discussion regarding the problem and how it will be resolved. There
was some discussion regarding Georges Mills and the reason that there is not the same issue
Dave B. reported that he will be looking into getting a grant to possibly fence in the well
heads at Georges Mills. There was some discussion regarding the snowmobile trail near the
wells and who may be using it.

Old & New Business:  
Water Ordinance Changes.
Holly L. presented that the changes proposed are to add a cross connection control program and to have the attachment fee part of the booklet another section and not an appendix. Most of the Commissioners need a new copy of the current ordinance to compare the two. Holly L. will supply them with one and the proposed changes will be discussed at a future meeting.
Dave B. reported that the next step in getting the plant facility plan underway is to advertise that the Commission is looking for RFQ’s and that an advertisement will be placed in the Union Leader.
2008 Rates: There was some discussion regarding the current sewer rates and the budget for 2008. Charles S. made a motion to keep the sewer user rate the same as it was last year, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairperson.
There was some discussion regarding the Lake Avenue loan payment and the impact to the water users. After much deliberation regarding the 2008 water rates, Paul M. made a motion to raise the water user fee from $95 to $100 per 6 month billing and to raise the water bond fee from $45 to $65 per 6 month billing, seconded by Kurt M., voted unanimously in favor, so declared by the Chairman.
There was some discussion regarding an e-mail that was sent between Commissioners and the fact that it was inappropriate and insulting.
Charles S. would like to propose that Sunapee take over all of New London’s facility in the town of Sunapee. There was some discussion regarding this.
Dave B. reported that he would like to be able to purchase a dumpster for sludge de-watering so that he may be able to modify one to better suit the purpose of sludge de-watering. Paul M. stated that a new dumpster would cost approximately $6,200. Charles S. would like to see the idea that he had proposed utilized for the handling of the bags.

8:17 p.m. Kurt M. made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Charles S., voted unanimously in the affirmative, so declared by the Chairperson.

Submitted by Holly Leonard.

Approved by the Water & Sewer Commission this ______ day of __________________, 2008.

_________________________________               __________________________________
Tracy Nangeroni - Chairperson                   Christopher Leonard

_________________________________               __________________________________
Aaron Simpson                                   Charles Smith

_________________________________               __________________________________
Kurt Markarian                                  Theodore Gallup                 

Paul Manson